B51 - engine starter for Nissan Cefiro Wagon WA32

Frame / SeriesWA32 / WA32 body W (wagon )engine VQ20DE (2000 gasoline )grade CRU (cruising )
Manufacture period06.1997 - ...transmission AT (automatic transmission )    

KB5138: battery case

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
B5138899100106.1997 - 08.1999Wbattery case
7.39 USD
B5138899100108.1999 - ...Wmulti remote entry system, door lock feature
7.39 USD

More than 1 spare part found. Please define it more accurately before ordering.

Scheme B51__001 Scheme B51__002 Scheme B51__003 Scheme B51__004 Scheme B51__005
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
ALL06.1997 - ...盗難警報機能付き

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Up to the top

KB5100 - controller kit
KB5101 - remote control engine starter
KB5102 - controller engine starter
KB5103 - antenna engine starter
KB5108 - cover, key remote engine starter
KB5109 - label caution, engine starter
KB5110 - harness kit
KB5113 - harness C engine starter
KB5117 - switch engine starter
KB5187 - battery, remote control unit

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
ALL06.1997 - ...ドアロック機能付き

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Up to the top

KB5103 - antenna engine starter
KB5108 - cover, key remote engine starter
KB5109 - label caution, engine starter
KB5150 - controller kit
KB5151 - remote control
KB5152 - controller
KB5160 - harness kit
KB5187 - battery, remote control unit

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
ALL06.1997 - ...リモコンスターター レギュラータイプ

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Up to the top

KB5100 - controller kit
KB5101 - remote control engine starter
KB5102 - controller engine starter
KB5103 - antenna engine starter
KB5107 - battery, remote control unit
KB5108 - cover, key remote engine starter
KB5109 - label caution, engine starter
KB5110 - harness kit
KB5113 - harness C engine starter
KB5117 - switch engine starter

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
ALL06.1997 - ...LEDタイプ

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KB5109 - label caution, engine starter
KB5130 - controller kit
KB5131 - remote control
KB5132 - relay unit
KB5133 - antenna
KB5138 - battery case
KB5140 - harness kit
KB5187 - battery, remote control unit

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
ALL06.1997 - ...液晶タイプ

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Up to the top

KB5109 - label caution, engine starter
KB5133 - antenna
KB5138 - battery case
KB5180 - controller kit
KB5181 - remote control
KB5182 - relay unit
KB5187 - battery, remote control unit
KB5190 - harness kit

Nissan Cefiro Wagon genuine parts