276 - air conditioner (engine room) (Denso) for Nissan Atlas N4F23

Frame / SeriesN4F23 / F23 body T (truck )engine TD25 (2500 diesel )drive 2WD (two-wheel drive )
Manufacture period06.1995 - 06.1999body length LB (long body )truck body LFW (テイヘイショウ(wooden))tire & loading SWT.15T (ショウケイ double tire 1.5 ton )
  grade STD (standard )transmission MT.F5 (manual transmission 5-speed )  

92491: hose, flexible high

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
924915T2000108.1997 - 12.1997*T.SWT.15T.STDstandard air conditioner
107.04 USD
924915T2020112.1997 - 06.1999*T.SWT.15T.STDstandard air conditioner
105.56 USD

More than 1 spare part found. Please define it more accurately before ordering.

Scheme 276-_004 Scheme 276-_005 Scheme 276-_006
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
T.(TD25+TD27) +WC.(TD25+TD27)06.1995 - 08.1997バキューム パイピング
T.(TD25+QD32) +WC.(TD25+QD32)08.1997 - 06.1999バキューム パイピング

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27084Q - hose, vacuum
27084QA - hose, vacuum
27095A - screw
27095V - valve, solenoid
27656E - clip
27656ED - clip
27656EM - clip

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
T +WC06.1995 - 08.1997エアー ガイド
T +WC08.1997 - 06.1999エアー ガイド

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21466P - support, air guide
21494A - bolt
21494AA - bolt
21494B - nut
21494M - plate, air guide
21494MA - plate, air guide
21494MB - plate, air guide
21495M - bracket, air guide
27656G - clip
27661M - seal, rubber
27661MA - seal, rubber
27661MB - seal, rubber
92116M - plate, baffle
92527M - clip

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
T.(TD25+TD27) +WC.(TD25+TD27)06.1995 - 08.1997エンジン ルーム パイピング
T.(TD25+QD32) +WC.(TD25+QD32)08.1997 - 06.1999エンジン ルーム パイピング

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27000X - label, air conditioner
27640 - tank assembly, liquid
27640E - bracket, liquid tank
27644E - seal,O ring
27644EA - seal,O ring
27644EB - seal,O ring
27644EC - seal,O ring
27644ED - seal,O ring
27644EE - seal,O ring
27644EF - seal,O ring
27650 - condenser assembly
27650AB - nut
27650AC - nut
27653 - motor, condenser
27653E - shroud, condenser
27653F - fan, condenser
27656EB - clip
27656EC - clip
27656EG - clip
27656EH - clip
27682AB - bolt, flexible hose
27682G - bracket, hose clamp
27700P - sensor assembly, ambient
92112 - bracket assembly, condenser
92114 - bracket, condenser
92115 - bracket, condenser
92480 - hose, flexible low
92481 - hose, flexible low
92490 - hose, flexible high
92490+A - hose, flexible high
92491 - hose, flexible high
92491+A - hose, flexible high
92492U - pipe, flexible high
92552N - bracket, tube clip
92612 - plate

Nissan Atlas genuine parts