623 - front grille (body) for Nissan Sunny California / Wingroad WFNY10

Frame / SeriesWFNY10 / CY10 body W/4D (wagon 4-door )engine GA15DE (1500 gasoline twincam EGI)drive 4WD (four-wheel drive )
Manufacture period06.1995 - 05.1996grade TYPE/A (type A)transmission MT.F5 (manual transmission 5-speed )  

62303F: fastener, radiator grille

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
62380V50000206.1995 - 05.1996W/4D
to 1.96 USD
62380V50000205.1996 - ...W/2D +W/4D
to 1.96 USD

More than 1 spare part found. Please define it more accurately before ordering.

Scheme 623-_001 Scheme 623J_001
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W/4D06.1995 - 05.1996サニー カリフォルニア

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62300E - clip
62301 - grille assembly, front
62302J - stripe, grille accent
62303F - fastener, radiator grille
62326 - sealing rubber,RH
62327 - sealing rubber,LH
62350E - clip
62350F - clip
62408N - finisher, head lamp outer lower RH
62409N - finisher, head lamp outer lower LH

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W/2D +W/4D05.1996 - ...ウイングロ−ド/AD MAX

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62300E - clip
62301 - grille assembly, front
62303F - fastener, radiator grille
62350F - clip
62408N - finisher, head lamp outer lower RH
62409N - finisher, head lamp outer lower LH
62889 - base ornament

Nissan Sunny California / Wingroad genuine parts