B85 - corner sensor for Nissan Sunny California / Wingroad WEY10

Frame / SeriesWEY10 / CY10 body W/4D (wagon 4-door )engine CD20 (2000 diesel )drive 2WD (two-wheel drive )
Manufacture period05.1996 - ...grade LEtransmission AT.F4 (automatic transmission 4-speed )  

KB8517: buzzer sensor rear,RH

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
B981450F250105.1996 - ...W/4Dleft and right set,L=2650mm, black [K504]
0.00 USD
B981450F850105.1996 - 05.1997W/4Dleft side set,L=900mm, grey [K504]
0.00 USD

More than 1 spare part found. Please define it more accurately before ordering.

Scheme B85__001 Scheme B85__002 Scheme B85__003 Scheme B85__004
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W10.1990 - ...左側

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KB8510 - corner sensor rear
KB8512 - sensor rear,LH
KB8515 - controller sensor rear
KB8518 - buzzer sensor rear,LH

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W10.1990 - ...左右

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KB8510 - corner sensor rear
KB8511 - sensor rear,RH
KB8512 - sensor rear,LH
KB8515 - controller sensor rear
KB8517 - buzzer sensor rear,RH
KB8518 - buzzer sensor rear,LH

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W05.1996 - ...左側セット NEW

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KB8510 - corner sensor rear
KB8512 - sensor rear,LH
KB8515 - controller sensor rear
KB8518 - buzzer sensor rear,LH

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W05.1996 - ...左右セット NEW

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KB8510 - corner sensor rear
KB8511 - sensor rear,RH
KB8512 - sensor rear,LH
KB8515 - controller sensor rear
KB8517 - buzzer sensor rear,RH
KB8518 - buzzer sensor rear,LH

Nissan Sunny California / Wingroad genuine parts