H08 - visor for Nissan Prairie / Liberty RM12

Frame / SeriesRM12 / M12 body W (wagon )engine QR20DE (2000 gasoline )drive 2WD (two-wheel drive )
Manufacture period09.2002 - ...grade S (S (2002.09- ))transmission CVT (continuously variable transmission )  

KH0812: door visor FR,RH

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
H0812WF1000109.2002 - ...WOYA H0800WF100[K504]
121.22 USD
Scheme H08__001 Scheme H08__002
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W11.1998 - ...プラスチックバイザー

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KH0800 - door visor set
KH0812 - door visor FR,RH
KH0813 - door visor FR,LH
KH2812 - door visor rear,RH
KH2813 - door visor rear,LH

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
W11.1998 - ...サンルーフバイザー

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KK1750 - sunroof visor
KK1752 - bracket visor sunroof

Nissan Prairie / Liberty genuine parts