680 - instrument panel, pad & cluster lid (trim) for Nissan Clipper U72T

Frame / SeriesU72T / MA0 body T (truck )engine 3G83 (3G83 type engine )drive 4WD
Manufacture period10.2003 - ...roof SR (standard roof )grade SP/F/R (トクソウシャ フロアーツキ refrigerated vehicle )transmission 5MT (5-speed manual transmission )

28316Q: bracket

OEM part numberRequired
per car
Production periodSpecCode ExteriorInterior Applies for models Notes Replacements Please order in advance In stock
283166A00A0112.2005 - ...T.(SD+DX+SP/F+SP/FL+SP/F/R+SP/FL/P+SD/AC+DX/AC+DUMP+PA/VAN+DX/M)
3.63 USD
283166A0A00110.2003 - 10.2004V.(SR+HR/RV) +V.HR.(SD+SD/2S) +V.HR.DX.(5MT+3AT) +V.GL +T.2WD +T.4WD.(SD+DX+GL+SP/F+SP/FL+SP/F/R+SD/AC+DX/AC+PA/VAN) +T.(SP/FL/P+DUMP)
6.53 USD
283166A0A00110.2004 - 12.2005T.(SD+DX+SP/F+SP/FL+SP/F/R+SP/FL/P+SD/AC+DX/AC+DUMP+PA/VAN)
6.53 USD

More than 1 spare part found. Please define it more accurately before ordering.

Scheme 680A_001 Scheme 680A_002 Scheme 680A_004
Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
V +T.2WD +T.4WD.(SD+DX+GL+SP/F+SP/FL+SP/F/R+SD/AC+DX/AC+PA/VAN) +T.(SP/FL/P+DUMP)10.2003 - 10.2004インストパッド&クラスターリッド

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26607 - nut
68100 - panel, instrument
68102 - panel assembly, instrument lower
68103A - panel, instrument upper
68104N - panel, instrument lower center
68130A - bolt
68135 - panel, instrument side LH
68192N - clip
68210E - clip
68261F - clip
68261FA - clip
68480A - screw
68480AA - screw
68480AB - screw
68480AC - screw
68480AD - screw
68480AE - screw
68480AF - screw
68520 - lid, cluster
68560 - box, center
68600 - box, glove
68630 - lock assembly, glove box lid
68860E - clip
98515 - module assembly, airbag assist

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
V +T.2WD +T.4WD.(SD+DX+GL+SP/F+SP/FL+SP/F/R+SD/AC+DX/AC+PA/VAN) +T.(SP/FL/P+DUMP)10.2003 - 10.2004インスト フィッティング
T10.2004 - ...インスト フィッティング(T)

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28316Q - bracket
68129 - bracket, instrument side LH
68130AA - bolt
68130AB - bolt
68155 - bracket, ashtray
68210A - bolt
68210AA - bolt
68210AB - bolt
68211M - pad, instrument
68260 - reinforcement, instrument
68520B - nut
68640 - striker, glove box lid
68860E - clip
96501 - ashtray, instrument
96501A - screw

Applies for modelsManufacture periodSpec
T10.2004 - ...インストパッド&クラスターリッド(T)

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26607 - nut
68100 - panel, instrument
68101F - plug, instrument
68102 - panel assembly, instrument lower
68103A - panel, instrument upper
68104N - panel, instrument lower center
68130A - bolt
68135 - panel, instrument side LH
68192N - clip
68210E - clip
68261F - clip
68261FA - clip
68275 - pocket, coin
68480A - screw
68480AA - screw
68480AB - screw
68480AC - screw
68480AD - screw
68480AE - screw
68480AF - screw
68520 - lid, cluster
68560 - box, center
68600 - box, glove
68630 - lock assembly, glove box lid
68860E - clip
98515 - module assembly, airbag assist

Nissan Clipper genuine parts